You don’t need a better workbook, you need a better way.

Faith Inkubators

Creating Community.
Equipping Leaders.
Incubating Faith.

Head to the Heart Confirmation

You don’t need a better workbook, you need a better way.

Head to the Heart™ 2024-2025 is an integrated approach to confirmation ministry.

More than a program or curriculum, Head to the Heart™ (H2H) intersects the head (knowing God’s promised story) and the heart (living God’s story). This intersection is the very center of our baptismal promise. The H2H faith formation system weaves in critical thinking, a system of care, and creative faith practices while growing connections in Christian community.

The H2H system includes:

  • Access to all 100+ themes/lessons
    (Of course, no church can teach all the lessons in a year. Choose which you’ll use for confirmation and then you are free to use others for retreats, camps, Sr. High ministry, or even adult education or worship.)

  • A full Leader’s Guide for each lesson with teaching ideas, instructions and tips for leading the PowerPoint presentation.

  • Each lesson includes printable Handouts for youth, small peer group Guides, and parents. Print as many copies as you need. Email the handouts in advance. You no longer need to pay for and replace lost workbooks!

  • “QuickPicks” — Are you in a in a time crunch this week? We’ve collected our favorite teaching options from each lesson—we call them QuickPicks—and have assembled them for you in this “grab-and-go” format. An accompanying QuickPicks PowerPoint file that matches these suggestions is also available for each lesson.

  • “Confirmation Promises” — An updated five-lesson capstone themeset.

  • Confirmation learning library containing elements based on adolescent brain development research, including object lessons that teach, engaging PowerPoint visuals, art, music, skits, and game shows

  • Comprehensive pre-built PowerPoint slide decks for each lesson containing relevant teaching options, allowing you to pick and choose what works best in your unique confirmation setting

  • An emphasis on personal face-to-face connection and care created in small student peer groups led by trained, committed adult Guides

  • Service, community-building, and learning events built into the confirmation schedule

With Head to the Heart, young people experience meaningful action/reflection, empowering them to live what they learn and stay engaged in your congregation long after they are confirmed!

Youth group and youth education will blur as your Jr. High confirmation groups grow into Sr. High groups.

Click here to order Head to the Heart 2024-2025, to download a free sample, or for more detailed information on Head to the Heart Confirmation.

Faith Stepping Stones

One 12-Month Membership. All Eight Stones.
Cradle to Graduation.

Annual 12-Month Membership License: $199

Faith Stepping Stones is a cradle-to-graduation family ministry system that transforms faith formation from a once-a-week church program into an ongoing partnership between church and home. Faith Stepping Stones encourages and equips parents to be confident, effective faith mentors and guides for their children.

Membership in Faith Stepping Stones includes access to ALL 8 STONES for one membership year. Access to ALL 8 Faith Stepping Stones means you have all the resources you need for a comprehensive, cradle-to-graduation family ministry system. Any Stone can be used alone as the basis for a terrific Christian parenting course. Using all 8 stones as a comprehensive family ministry system will carry your families through all stages of parenting, giving them tools and age-appropriate resources along the way. Annual membership access to ALL 8 Stones provides maximum flexibility to use these resources in the way that best fits your unique setting.

Included Stepping Stones:

  • Raising a Healthy Baby
    New parents learn about their babies’ physical, emotional and spiritual health. Effective when used in conjunction with infant baptism preparation.

  • Raising a Healthy Preschooler
    A child’s transition from infant to toddler to full-blown preschooler is a period of constant discovery for parent and child alike. Bringing parents together during this exciting time will bless them and their child with support and community.

  • Entry into School
    The whole world changes for the family when little ones head off to school. Setting up a pattern for regular, open, caring, communication between parent and child becomes extremely important at this stage.

  • My Bible
    Many churches have the tradition of presenting Bibles to children. This practice provides a wonderful opportunity to bring parents and children together for learning and fun.

  • Holy Communion
    A communion instruction course for late elementary-age children and their parents.

  • Entry into Confirmation (Surviving Adolescence)
    Making a big deal about entry into your church’s confirmation program provides a great opportunity to gather parents and youth around the theme of “Surviving Adolescence”.

  • Confirmation
    As youth prepare to affirm their baptismal promises on confirmation day, this theme set gathers youth and parents around the themes of confession, confirmation, and call.

  • High School Graduation
    Spread over the school year, seniors and their parents gather to look back, look to the moment, and look to the future. These three sessions are a beautiful gift to young adults and their parents as they transition into a new chapter of life.

Click here to order Faith Stepping Stones, download a free sample, or for more detailed information on each individual Stepping Stone.

Faith Inkubators Stewardship

Annual 12-month Membership: $99

Faith Inkubators Stewardship provides an opportunity for all ages to gather and grow as good stewards of their time, talents, and treasures. This resource is an effective and engaging holistic approach to Stewardship in the congregation, and includes a home connection with FAITH5.

This three-theme Stewardship resource covers six weeks. It can also be condensed into three weeks.

It can also be valuable as a resource toolbox by integrating components into your congregation’s existing Stewardship programming.

Included Faith Inkubators Stewardship themes:


Time is a priceless currency. We can always make more money. We can never make more time. God calls us to invest our time in things that matter. Things that last. Things that will outlast our own lives. How are you spending/investing your time?


What is talent? Some think that word only applies to a small set of very special and gifted people—musicians, scholars, athletes. But everyone has gifts. Everyone has talents. Everyone has potential. If you are blessed—and you are—God is calling you to share those blessings with others. Don't bury your talents! In thanks to God, use your talents to make the world a better, more just and beautiful place.


Media and advertising often preach money = success. The Bible teaches something different. Money alone is ultimately meaningless. One can be very rich in money, but very poor in joy, hope, and purpose. All that we have is a gift from God; our lives, our world, and our possessions are all gifts. Seeing everything as God’s - not ours - is a first step toward valuing and caring for the treasures God has given us and a powerful insight into true joy and meaning in life.

Click here to order Faith Inkubators Stewardship or for more detailed information.

Faith Inkubators How-To Articles

Member Tip: How do I download my resource files?

You can download your new files via your Order Confirmation email or your Faith Inkubators Store/download account. Click Here for details.